Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hi I'm Elizabeth and I am a Facebookaholic.  I have been clean for 4  days now.  Don't ask me why I did this, because I don't know myself, but I will tell you it felt good.  and I do not miss it.  It is somewhat a problem that it is the only form of communication I have with many people, now forcing me to get the 411 on my acquaintances second-hand, and it does make me a major hypocrite for years of judging those that aren't on facebook.  I have also experienced severe peer-pressure to return, but I've held my ground.  I will be back someday, but for now I'm enjoying my break from society.    

I'm now depending on gchat and blogs to keep me entertained, and both are failing me right now. I need more people to start the blogging.  Or if anyone has other websites that they use to waste time, let me know.  Also, it is now Dec 20th and I haven't gotten one Christmas present.  I went into Barnes and Noble yesterday and they had some super cool books so I think I will return there.  


  1. i cannot imagine not having facebook. i am kind of proud of you. if there is any dirt you want me to dig up on anyone, let me know.


    p.s. i like your background!

  2. thanks friend! I mean, I'm always up for a little gossip. but I'll let you know if I need anything specific :)

  3. you should install stumble upon onto your browser. you pick the subjects that you're interested in, and then you just click a button. it introduces you to a ton of cool sites. :) anna
