Monday, December 29, 2008

Wrapping up 2008

As 2008 comes to an end, I look back on its high and low points.  It wasn't so bad.  I graduated college, got into med school, and finished a semester without losing my mind.  So overall it was a good year.  But I've got big plans for 2009.  

A few of my goals include (not always realistic, but I'm setting the bar high)

1.  4.0 for spring semester (that's the really unrealistic one).  Really I just want an A in physiology.  This will require paying attention in class (hopefully I haven't forgotten how), which is sad since class has become a social time for me.  But I think this might be necessary to succeed.  When I look back at my first test block, I wonder what happened?  I went from making all As... to not.  Strangely enough, this is also when I discovered gchat.  and began texting heavily.   

2.  Healthy eating.  Starting out with the basics: three, not four meals a day.  not eating my body weight in ben and jerry's on a regular basis.  fast food... ew. no more.  My philosophy usually is, once a day is shot as far as eating healthy goes, then I might as well make the best of it and eat as unhealthily as is possible.  This is not a good theory.     

3.  Exercising regularly, which I would have to do to get to my real goal- a triathlon in pensacola at the end of april.  1m swim, 24m bike, and 6m run.  The 6m running is the daunting task to me.  I'm not really a fan of running, and the most I've ever run is 3m.  Plus, the few times I've tried to run this past semester I've ended up with a killer cramp in the side before I hit the corner of my street.  Also, it would be wonderful if someone wanted to do this with me.  Any takers?

5.  Being slightly more responsible with my money. Luckily, most of the money I spent/wasted last semester was on food, so if I'm following through with goal #2, this one will fall in line too.

6.  avoid boys, 'nough said. 

7.  find something exciting to do this summer.  They keep telling me this is my last summer, ever.  I want to spend it in Europe, so maybe I should get on the planning.  

All these lead to a happier me, which is what I need.  These past few months have been a bit of a emotional roller coaster, and it took me awhile to pinpoint the cause of my distress.  This break has been a nice opportunity to look back on the past semester, see the things that I didn't do that I need to and the things I did do that I shouldn't have.  And now I've got a fresh start and it's gonna be killer.  Watch out 2009.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

my spinach smoothie

While perusing my Fitness magazine the other night, I came across the article "Superfoods for a super body."  Sounds good to me... the list included lemon, broccoli, dark chocolate, potatoes, salmon, walnuts, avocado, garlic, spinach, and beans.   Yum!  I can handle that, I eat most of these on a regular basis, minus the avocado and spinach.  So I was especially intrigued by the idea they gave for spinach. 

 "Spinach is a healthy- and flavorless- add to any smoothie.  You won't taste it, we promise!"

Spinach isn't my favorite, so I figured this was a good way to add it in.  This morning I tried it.  Some frozen spinach, a cup of milk, a banana, and a handful of strawberries.  And guess what?  you could take it- ALOT.  And it was disgusting.  There is the possibility that I added too much spinach, but I didn't want to waste anymore of my fruit and if I tried much more of it I might have gotten sick.  Terribly disappointing.  Moral of the story, do not believe everything you read.  Or better yet, if something sounds like it will be terrible, it probably is (minus my black beans brownies of course).  

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hi I'm Elizabeth and I am a Facebookaholic.  I have been clean for 4  days now.  Don't ask me why I did this, because I don't know myself, but I will tell you it felt good.  and I do not miss it.  It is somewhat a problem that it is the only form of communication I have with many people, now forcing me to get the 411 on my acquaintances second-hand, and it does make me a major hypocrite for years of judging those that aren't on facebook.  I have also experienced severe peer-pressure to return, but I've held my ground.  I will be back someday, but for now I'm enjoying my break from society.    

I'm now depending on gchat and blogs to keep me entertained, and both are failing me right now. I need more people to start the blogging.  Or if anyone has other websites that they use to waste time, let me know.  Also, it is now Dec 20th and I haven't gotten one Christmas present.  I went into Barnes and Noble yesterday and they had some super cool books so I think I will return there.  

Friday, December 19, 2008

all the cool kids are doing it

Seeing as how I deactivated my facebook account (temporarily) and the glorious fact that I have absolutely nothing to do these days, I decided I'd start a blog to pass some of the time.  I used to have a livejournal back in the day, it was titled "my crazy life" (that must have been sarcasm) and my last post was 123 weeks ago.  It mostly consists of lame surveys with the occasional update on my life.  

Some of the highlights I'm reading...

1.   the time I argued with an 11 year old girl that I didn't know over who was going to get daniel radcliffe (the guy who plays harry potter).   
2.  I was told I couldn't teach vacation bible school because I had to be at least 2 years older than the kids.  The oldest kids were 5th grade.  I was 19, she thought I was 12. 
3.  My consideration of physical therapy as my career (ew)
4.  The time I went to Shogun for a friend's birthday and not only was the cook a creeper, but he spilled soy sauce all in my lap when he knocked it over doing one of his tricks.  
5.  I used to be so cheap.  One time I got charged $2 for a ringtone that I didn't get.  I went into the store to get it taken care of, and I came out and I had gotten a parking ticket.  I had put money in the wrong meter... oh the irony.  

If I had more time I'd continue reading these to see more of what a loser I was/am, but I'm getting ready to go across the bay to go see a friend that works at olive garden, maybe do a little shopping, and hopefully go to the pier in fairhope.  It is Dec 19th, and it is a frigid 72 degrees outside.  How I love the weather in Mobile.  It was so pretty yesterday, my sister and I went to the park and that might have been the most enjoyable 2 hours of my break so far.  I swung on the swings for at least 20 minutes straight, threw the football some, and chased geese.  There were over 100 canadian geese, and we ran right into their little group to see what they would do .  Most ran away from us, there was one fiesty white goose that we decided was their fearless leader who tried to snap at us.  I would have done more immature things, but Madeline has slightly more dignity then I do.  But as I was swinging, I had the epiphany that this is the way life should be.  I want to be a kid again... If you people don't see me back on january 5th, check the park.