Thursday, April 28, 2011

when all means fail

With all the mess that has happened and is happening right now in Alabama and around, I thought this blog entry was very appropriate. Yesterday David Wilkerson, a pastor of a church in NYC, wrote this. He also died yesterday in an car accident.

When All Means Fail

The first few times I heard the song blessings by laura story, I thought it sounded really cheesy so I never really listened to it. I was like, whyyy is she singing about rainbows? But then I actually read the lyrics. Wow. Pretty dead on. When the most treasured things in our lives are taken from us, its hard to see that as blessings. Or his 'mercies in disguise'. And truly this side of heaven we may never understand why we were brought through certain trials. He may reveal it to us, he may not. But he loves us way too much to give us lesser things. I know there are lots of things I can look back on and say that sucked when I was there, but man am I glad it happened that way. God knew what he was doing- surprise, surprise. There are others things I can't do that about yet. Or I can look at things in others people's lives and it doesn't make much sense to me either. But so great one of the last lines in this song, that our pain, our achings in this life, are just showing us we weren't made for this world! We don't fit in just right... so of course life isn't gonna be perfect. Far from it. But oh just wait.


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