Friday, February 18, 2011


So it's been awhile. I'm about to finish my pediatrics rotations which I'm super bummed about but I'm going knowing I'll be back again soon... I have absolutely loved it and am 100% sold on peds. The residents are great, the attendings are great, I've learned a ton, and let's face it, kids are just WAY cooler than adults. I've become attached to one patient in particular, a 4 year old with ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She got diagnosed last summer and is in the hospital now with a fever. The other night she got transferred to the PICU which meant she wasn't on our service anymore (and the patient I got to take her place was a 17yo incarcerated female who was hallucinating... but that's a different story), so I went to see her and when I left she said, "bye elizabeth! I love you!" ahhhhh. she has my heart. So first, the kids are obviously ballin. Also, the residents are great. A lot of them (ok, basically all) are foreign so it's been cool to get to know people from different countries. Today was the birthday of the resident I am on call with. So since it was his birthday, he bought us all dinner. What? That's apparently the way they celebrate in Nepal haha. Another one of the residents brought britni and I cake for our birthday! And then everyone sang us happy birthday!! All of them are so nice and helpful, and so thankful for us helping them. I usually feel as a student that I'm more of a nuisance than anything, but they've made me feel like I'm an intricate part of the team. And the attendings... Some not so good, but most are awesome. Yesterday I got to do a bone marrow aspiration with my fav, which was amazing... I totally rocked it. I'm holding out for the chance to do a lumbar puncture too! So yeah, to sum it up, peds is the best. The kids make me smile. I don't wanna leave them, but I guess I gotta help out the crazies, the neurologically impaired, and the ones that need cutting on.


  1. well hello there. I forgot you had a blog, then it showed up on my feed today. Please blog more than twice a year- you're too funny to go that long!

  2. sorry! this one wasn't very funny. I'll give it my best shot.

