Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 1 of my semi-vegetarian diet went well.  There was one incident... that involved lentil soup made with chicken broth, but it was an accident and it won't happen again. I've eaten good-tons of seafood and tofu and veggies and fruit... ah I love food.  And to continue with that, I leave for Kansas City today to attend a family medicine conference.  Thanks to the family med department at USA, everything is paid for.  Flight, hotel, transportation to the hotel, the actual conference, and best of all, food.  Apparently the conference provides vouchers for breakfast and lunch, and we are getting $55 from our family med department for food.  Which means allison, kacie, and I will be dining at only the best and most expensive restaurants in kansas city for dinner every night.  There's an opening social where I plan on winning either a Wii or a $30o gift certificate to apple.  During the day, I hopefully will learn things about medicine.  But now I've got to go pack and find some 80s outfit to wear to that social... good times.

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