Here, I wanted to insert stephen's video of dr. lincoln, but 1. i can't find it 2. only people in my class read this and have more than likely already seen it 3. if anyone isn't in my class and reads this, they probably would not think it is funny or understand it at all.
Right now, It is 2AM in the morning. This would be ok IF I was actually studying. Instead, for the last 3 hours, I've been gchatting, blogging, and doing other pointless things. Good thing there is no pressure on this next test on Friday. I'm pretty sure I only have to make a 42 to keep my 100 in the class (med school is so lame, my mind needs to be stimulated).
I'm just going to insert random facts for the rest of this entry:
BEN FOLDS. amazing. one of my favorite concerts I've ever been to. Freaking hilarious (he sang a song about Mobile!) and he plays the piano like a fiend. Seriously, his hands were just a blur across the keys.
I LOVE TINA FEY. 30 rock is officially the greatest show ever. I think I've already mentioned that about a million times, but oh man, I love it.
30 DAYS til I'm done with my first year of medical school. No way it's been that long... sike! it seems like it's been a lifetime. If I knew what I knew now, would I still do it? YES but I would have done some things very differently for sure. Things that would have made my life sooo much simpler. And I would have better grades.
VP of AMA. That's me. What, what?
17 HOURS was how many hours straight I was at school today. All of that time was spent in our classroom minus AMA meeting at lunch, dinner in the conference room, and some bathroom breaks.
STRONGER- Kanye West is a fabulous song. I also love Robocop. who woulda thought... Shout out to Allison Lott for bringing these lifechangers into my life. The words of these songs will touch you.
THE GRAMMAR of this entry is probably awesome. don't care. it's too late to be doing this kind of thing.