1. 4.0 for spring semester. Well, in histology I have made 40, 60, and 60 on our 3 quizzes, and an 82 on the first test. This is not conducive to making an A. I would have to make A's on all the rest of the tests and bring my quiz average up to an A. But luckily, I don't really care. (is that bad?) A B sounds just fine to me. If halfway through school I decide I want to be an orthopedic surgeon or a dermatologist, I may regret this nonchalant outlook (that's one of my favorite smart sounding words to use by the way). What I do care about is Physiology, which I just had a test in on Friday. I will have to report back on its outcome, but I feel pretty good about it. OH! And the way I hoped to achieve this goal? By paying attention in class? Not happening. I think I have decided to just not go to histology anymore, and then I actually do make an effort to pay attention in phys. But gchat is just too hard to pass up when a teacher is droning on about mitochondria and endothelial cells. BOOOR-ING.
2. Healthy eating. There have been good days and bad days. Probably more bad then good. I'm gonna get back on that TODAY. Yeah... I'm going to Cracker Barrel for lunch and having duck a l'orange for dinner. maybe tomorrow then.
3. Exercising regularly, even worse. I'm not entirely sure I've exercised at all. Unless walking up the stairs at school counts, because it takes about 2 minutes for my heart rate to subside after that. Good cardio workout. BUT today I am going to print off the entry form for the triathlon I want to do and send it in. Then I am forced to exercise, lest I want to die halfway through the swim part of the race.
4. I just realized there wasn't a #4 in my previous list. YEY, I've been successful in sticking with #4.
5. More responsible with money? Well, I've bought a lot of food. Too much food. Just checked my statement for Panera transactions for the month of January... 7. Ridiculous. But I have branched out too- mexican, seafood, greek, british? (a pizza named for the Beatles from mellow mushroom) New plan, when I go get groceries today I am going to take out $100. That is what I will use for food for the month of February. Once I run out, I can no longer eat! It's shorter, I should be able to do that right?
6. Avoiding boys... well this one is just difficult. They are too plentiful. I am going to med school prom solo, when I could have had a date, so maybe I'm halfway successful here.
7. Find something exciting to do this summer, nothing new here. The thought of lying around doing nothing, taking occasional road trips and other mini vacation things sounds quite enjoyable though.